Six tomato plants are planted in a row.
There's plenty of
room for roots to grow and spread.

The landscape timber border defines the garden
space, yet ties the garden into
the overall landscape
I take the
centipede grass clippings after each yard mowing and I'll spread the
grass clippings into the garden. The grass clippings are
the only mulch I use in the
garden and the clippings provide nitrogen for the

Since tomato plants are two feet apart, some years I'll
plant something like onions
between the tomato plants.
With the garden being separated from the lawn by landscape
timbers, I can walk
right up to the garden and have easy access to all of
the plants. Taking only 3-4
steps, I'm at the middle of
any row.

Because the rows are four feet apart, the rows are
not crowded. Plant stems
and vegetables are not easily
disturbed when I walk into the garden.

The tomato picking season begins
with my Early Girl
tomatoes, then Romas, then
Better Boys.

Roma tomatoes have always done well.
I get lots of Romas!

The garden is
a joy in the July heat of middle GEORGIA.

Tomato growing season is in full swing in July.

What's been growing? Lots of tomatoes
(Early Girl, Better Boy, and Romas),
(Clemson spineless), peppers (Bell, Jalapeno,
squash (crooked neck), eggplant.
I've had tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant grow on into

If you spread out the tasks,
then the hardest work won't be overwhelming. If you
create a similar vegetable
garden, you won't have near as much to do later during
the heat of summer, except to
pick and gather your vegetables. Weeding is
I've grown or tried to grow the following through the
years (besides what I usually
grow nowadays) ...okra, corn, bush beans, peas,
carrots, radishes, potatoes, and
After my first soil test fifteen years ago, I had to add
some lime to the garden.
That was the only time. A couple of years ago, the
county extension service's soil
test results showed I didn't need to add any
soil amendments. The only things
that need to be added each year are
water and centipede grass clippings
from my
Growing a vegetable garden that is
an extension of your yard takes commitment.
there is a time commitment. More importantly, it takes a commitment of the
I garden because it is what I enjoy. Like I said, it is a part of who I am.
Happy gardening!